180 Days of Boasting about God – Day 86

Last Friday morning, I literally bawled out the name of Jesus for the youths in my church.

I remembered how Bartholomew, a blind man, cried out for Jesus, the Son of David, to have mercy on him. And Jesus did.

So I called on Jesus. The young people are under attack.

On Sunday morning, a minister in the church asked the youths to stand in the aisle and had the church pray for us while a brother anointed us. He said he was simply being obedient to the Holy Spirit.

I call it Jesus answering my call for help. I am sure the change has started.

If you need help, call on Jesus. He’ll hear and answer.

Published by Klasik Krys

I am Klasik Krys, the creator of this blog and the recorder of Purposeful Inspiration videos. I hope you were blessed by watching and reading. Check out my About the Author page to learn about me.

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